2023 Election: Barr. Fadeshola Ojamomi Picks SDP State House of Assembly Form to represent Ilaje Constituency 1

For many years, I have heard my people yearn for good representation as a result of the maladministration and bad representation they have been plagued with.
Many sons and daughters have been sent to air the pains and yearnings of the people to the appropriate government agencies in the past, with insignificant results to celebrate.
My people and homeland have faced the worst ecological disaster Nigeria has ever witnessed, and yet we have not been attended to. They made us feel like strangers on our own land.
The people of Ayetoro, Mese, Gbagira, Awoye and other communities have been made IDPs by their own local governments. Even when we are well known to reside on water, we have no drinkable water to quench our thirst.
It is unnecessary to mention that we have also been at the mercy of incessant and ravaging ocean attacks.
I’m always saddened by the plight of the aged in my constituency; how the senior citizens have been left uncared for and without adequate healthcare. The schools in our constituency are comatose and our children/pupils are abandoned in delapitated school structures with insignificant numbers of teachers.
I decided to join a train of youthful patriots in my local government to demand good leadership and developmental projects for my country’s home.
I am proud of the achievements myself and co-Patriots and comrades have recorded.
I am proud of the achievements myself and co-Patriots and comrades have recorded.
Countless times we stood our grounds to demand for a better ILAJE NATION. Together we have accomplished alot through advocacy centering on
#AyetoroSeaShoreProtection ,
#SayNoToCultism and many more.
I must give kudos to these wonderful patriots and comrades who stood their ground to demand a better ilaje.
Nevertheless, the struggle cannot be limited to activism alone; there’s a need for patriots to sit at the round table where decisions are made. This, I am more than convinced, will complement the work my colleagues and I have done so far in the quest for a greater Ilaje Nation.
After due consultations, I purchased my nomination form under my party, the Social Democratic Party, today because SDP remains the only party with a clear ideology and the only party that promotes social justice, good governance, economic development, and a safer and better environment.
I therefore decided to take my passion for a more prosperous ilaje a notch higher, to represent ILAJE CONSTITUENCY 1 at the Ondo state house of assembly and to bring home the desired change we have all been clamouring for.