A young lady of age 14yrs named Bukunmi in Ayebode Ekiti in Ikole Local Government area, had a dream that her friend gave her two chewing gums in her dream. According to her, the friend persuaded her to chew it, but she refused. She decided to keep the chewing gum in her pocket in the dream. When she awoke from her dream to prepare for school, she noticed the two chewing gum fell off her body in physical form.

Thank God my granddaughter did not chew the chewing gum in her dream or in physically because no one knows what might have happened to her. She said, in tears of joy, thanks to God that I was not called evil names.

He added that God always does wonders in their church; miracles and deliverance always take place. Just like the name of the church, “ORI-OKE ITUSILE,” a lot of people always come to Ori-oke for prayers and they receive their miracles and deliverances. Whoever Jesus Christ sets free from enslavement is free for all time. (John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”)
The news had spread across Ayebode community in Ikole Local Government Area.