by Arikawe Femi
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By: People’s Voice Nigeria | News


In Kenya today, there is a renewed hope and better understanding of appreciating human existence and values in Creation with more ardent desire and propulsive yearning for a better and true humanity.




Kenya is a famous and unique African country as a forerunner in democracy and economics. This has made Nairobi the nation’s capital a hallmark for great business opportunities and international recognition.


Notwithstanding its giant strides in human capital developments, hitherto, there has been a gross aberration in the conceptual framework of religious practices particularly in Christianity when juxtaposed with the standard laid by Jesus Christ himself and built upon by his anointed early apostles in one hand and the essence of consanguinity and social responsibilities as homo sapiens in respect of the underprivileged and wretched folks who are also part of the society. Attention to this segment of the society has been at the lowest ebb. A number of critical factors are actually responsible for this that cannot be addressed now.



But things are gradually changing in Kenya. The cloud has been lifted. The veil of insensitivity to the agony and trauma of the disadvantaged has been torn!


Like a bolt out of the blue, the people have seen the light and love in action in their domains.


The joyful activities embarked upon by Pastor Evelyn Joshua of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN and EmmanuelTV partners who with the good news of Jesus Christ in action and practice, touching the foundation and heart of Kenyans are really changing the narratives.


What exactly were the pivots of this transformation?


Three significant events successively took place recently in the nation of Kenya and it’s obvious that a new impetus, the little acorn from which the great oak grows for collective development and happiness of the people is taking root in that famous east African country known for the great rift valley and the world’s best Safari destination with over 50 epic national parks.


These are not just ordinary events, they are a significant turning point in the lives of the people!


One, the 2023 Kenya Crusade; second, the revolutionary tree planting designed to stem the tide of desert encroachment and climatic menace that was gradually ravaging the country; and three, the charity programme to the neglected over 60’000 inhabitants at Piliwa village, Kajiado County the abode of the “wretched of the earth” in the heart of Massai people of Kenya.


The Piliwa people could be described as people with tragic existence. Theirs is a misfortune of birth and settlement. It’s the most neglected part of Kenya just a stone throw from Tanzania. “We are mainly pastoralists. No roads, no water, no health care, no schools, poor shelters, no light just leaving hopelessly as if we were not human beings, having been deprived over the years the basic necessities of life” said the assistant chief officer of the village administration Mr. Yeldon Sonto. “We are mainly pastoralists rearing cattle, sheep and goats which have all been swept away by the ravaging drought that besieged our land”, he added.



“There’s no water to drink” lamented Mr. Lematian Julius, a security operative. “We use donkeys to go and fetch water in a distance of about 10kilometers where there’s a dam. We are living in hunger, sickness and diseases, stress due to long trekking, no livestocks which people mostly depend on, life is hard under the scorching sun, no rainfall, no schools around, we can’t even pay for school fees, no money, suffocating famine, darkness and occasional disturbances of wildlife which eat away our remaining animals”, Lamentian painted a gory picture of living conditions in the area.


This is the grovelling hardship at Piliwa village. You can imagine the presence of Pastor Evelyn Joshua and her team in the rickety and dusty road to these people with a big truck loaded with food and household items and hundreds of cartons of table water!



It was an electrifying moment. The village was agog. Everyone came out to see the miracle of God in their midst. They were all transmogrified in an ecstasy of rejoicing and celebrating, beating drums, singing and dancing with all the paraphernalia of their cultural aesthetics. It was a combination of dream and disbelieve because such a thing had never happened with convoy of vehicles in their community.


“You are all God’s children. God loves you. We are because you are. God has brought us here to remind you that He loves you and you are His people and He would never forsake you. We love you and you have become a part of us as God has beamed His light upon you” said Evelyn Joshua as she was thronged by the mammoth crowd!


“We have never seen this kind of donations to a neglected people in Kenya before, more so by a foreigner. This is unprecedented and you can see how joyful the people are as If God Himself has descended from heaven to bless them. God bless Pastor Evelyn Joshua for this great donation” enthused Elsie Matilong the village administrator.


“We are exceedingly glad with these plenty gifts for these downtrodden, neglected suffering people. It’s beyond our imaginations. God bless Mama Evelyn Joshua and SCOAN for this great heart for the poor” stated by Naomi Parinkoi, the Chief public officer for social services.


Mrs Edna Lenku the first lady of the County expressed profound appreciation to Evelyn Joshua, SCOAN and EmmanuelTV team coming to the extreme rural area with all the inconveniences of the roads to lift up the lives of the poor community. “Only God can reward you for these great gifts to these people. We are very grateful. May God continue to bless you and SCOAN” she said.


The tree planting was another epic event. Pastor Evelyn Joshua led by the minister of the environment, Honourable Ibrahim Ouma along with other government officials to Uhuru Park where the official kicked off planting of 20’000 trees in Kenya by Evelyn Joshua started. She did the first planting and supported the effort with $25’000. Pastor Evelyn Joshua had earlier been engaged at the Nairobi House of Parliament led by its speaker, RT. Honourable Kennedy O. Ngondi who expressed the gratitude of Kenyans for the blessings and joyful activities of Pastor Evelyn Joshua in Kenya. That the Kenyans were ready to support Evelyn Joshua in all her God given dreams for the upliftment of Kenya as a nation for the glory of God with peace and prosperity of Kenya.


The Kenya Crusade 2023 was a different ball game entirely. The Kenyans could not imagine a Minister of God holding a crusade without taxing people or asking for donations or offering! “We are on God’s instruction to hold this crusade for God’s glory and blessings for the nation of Kenya. It’s not my assignment but God’s. We are here for the breaking of shackles that fetter lives and destinies down. We are here to give what God has given to us to bless people”, the woman of God stated.


This was unprecedented. Kenya is about seventy five percent Christians. But Christianity in Kenya in the Apostolic fire sense is just burgeoning . It is more of the orthodox. The existing Pentecostal genre is growing and yearning for the true Pentecost as seen in the Acts of Apostles.


Evelyn Joshua brought in a new dimension of understanding in healing and deliverance praying and commanding in the name of Jesus Christ. The Kasarani stadium became a huge furnace of commotion by the spiritual cacophonies of bewildered and arrested demonic spirits by the Holy Spirit with several people yelling, falling and manifesting violently at the voice Evelyn Joshua reminiscent of the Gadara experience during the time of Jesus. The memory of Kenya Crusade in 2023 would continue to linger on with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as many were receiving healing from different afflictions including those on the wheel chairs to the amazement of over 50’000 people in attendance. Mr. Kabau Muruatetu, a chartered auditor who witnessed it all described it as “a real revival in the land of Kenya, glory to God”.


From this Kenya Crusade 2023, one thing is obvious: Pastor Evelyn Joshua with her team of Evangelists in the legacy of Senior Prophet TBJOSHUA has raised the bar of pure Christianity and the joy of humanity as the beauty of Creation.

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