IT’S FIRSTBANK’S FINEST HOUR; Dazzles Stakeholders With Growth Across Key Metrics




































Number of Total Customers

Accounts1 [millions]

10.9 41
Total Number of Issued

Cards [millions]

7 12.0
FirstMobile Users


0.06 6.1
FirstOnline Users


0.09 1.1
USSD Users [millions] 0.5 14.7
Total Digital Banking

Customers Users [millions

0.6 22.0
Annual Transaction Volumes


2,000 17,000
Number of Agents 0 200,000
% of Customer Induced

Transaction Processed

on Digital Platforms

20% 96%
Transaction Momentum

(Non- Interest Income as

a  % of Net Revenue

22.70% 40.59%
Number of Total


Accounts1 [millions]

10.9 41

Banking Platform Users

0 1,476

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