Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria Holds Its 4th Induction Ceremony

Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria Holds Its 4th Induction Ceremony

by Arikawe Femi
7 minutes read


Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria Holds Its 4th Induction Ceremony


New Inductees and Patrons


The Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria is a humanitarian club with a mandate to support the needy and the less privileged within the community. The club, on Sunday June 19th, 2022, holds its 4th Induction Ceremony, welcoming new members to the club. Seven (7) new members were inducted into the club.


In his welcome remarks, the President of the association, Prestige Benjamin Nkemkah, welcomed everyone to the induction ceremony of a new set of distinguished members of the club.


While addressing them before administering the oath of membership. He urged them to always do their best to manifest the virtues of humanitarian service and excel while doing that. “You all went through a screening process and those processes continue even after induction,” he added.


“I am delighted to be here to witness the induction of the fourth (4th) set of members of the Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria. This is because God has helped us to reach out to the needy around us in our own little ways and sustain our membership growth since inception.”


Dr. Mrs. Celine Njoku  delivering PEP Talk



“The 2022 inductees have shown great character, leadership, respect, and service to humanity to be selected for this induction ceremony,” he said.


He thanked all the induction committee members for putting in their time, energy, and dedication to making the event memorable.


While also delivering his speech, Mr. Benjamin also pointed out that, “the club has changed from discipline-driven, which was considered sacrosanct in growing the club, to an infusion of some social life as well as acknowledging the need to relax our bodies and minds, and so we had our first family day out on Easter Monday.


Of course, social connections are good for our overall physical and mental health and can also lower rates of anxiety and depression. We also do have periodic work outs, and every member is encouraged to participate. Today, and to the best of our ability, we hold members’ welfare at a higher level than ever before, “he said.


Guest at the Induction of New Members


The chairperson of the day, Ugoeze Tonia Agugoesi, who also doubled as the patroness of Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria, also addressed the inductees and advised them to be good ambassadors of the club.


In a close interview with our correspondent, the president of the club said, “Prestige Elite Club is a humanitarian club with a vision of reaching out to the needy around us in our little way.” The club was started about 6 years ago by a group of friends of like minds with the sole purpose of giving support to one another and reaching out to the less privileged in the community. The club has succeeded in putting smiles on some faces so far with its yearly projects it undertakes.


Our membership is drawn from various backgrounds; business men and women, gainfully employed individuals. Christians of various denominations, men and women of different creeds, ethnicity, and language who are desirous of serving humanity.


Maintaining a membership in Prestige requires commitment. Individuals need to be motivated, be willing to contribute and follow through with the club’s rules and regulations and the vision of the club.


The club has carried out a lot of projects, among all of which is building a pupils’ playground for a school in Festac, which the school and pupils are enjoying till today. There are still very many ideas and works in progress that we acknowledge and are yet to execute, such as getting some out-of-school children back to school, counselling and rehabilitating drug addicts and the destitute, setting innocent prisoners free, taking supplies to motherless babies’ homes, homes for people with cerebral palsy, and so much more.


Interacting with our correspondent, Captain Jude Aduba, a commercial airline pilot with Arik Airline who also doubled as the pioneer and the immediate past president of Prestige Elite Club, gave further details on how the club started and some milestones it has achieved so far.

“The club was officially incorporated with the CorporateAffairs Commission on the 16th of August, 2016, but prior to that, we’ve always hadgatherings.”


In the year 2010, October 2nd to be precise, after a wedding ceremony, we decided to gather and seat to see how best we could be of help to one another and society at large. Ever since then, we started having meetings. At first it was biannual, later quarterly, and later monthly, which it is at the moment.


Prestige Elite Club started with a vision where I was a pioneer member. We came together as friends and saw the need to start a group of friends with a vision and a mission. We decided to make it formal by registering with the CAC.


We started with about six (6) friends, later grew to ten (10), from there to fifteen (15) members, and currently, by our register, we are still growing and currently we have close to fifty (50) members.


The Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria is a humanitarian club that sees needs in others and also feels their pains. The name “Prestige” came up during a meeting while looking for a befitting name that would befit the club, and we came up with “PRESTIGE ELITE CLUB OF NIGERIA”.


The basic aim of the club is to serve humanity, see compassion in others, and help society in our little way.


I came up to become the pioneer president when the club needed a leader and I was available. I saw the need for me to step up, and they looked to me to lead them. I led them for a period of five (5) years (August 2016–December 2021), and the club has grown to a level where people needed to be elected into offices and new excos were elected.


We had several projects during my administration. With the help of lawyers and barristers as members of the Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria, we were able to facilitate the release and empowerment of some inmates. Some of those who committed offences that actually needed the help of a barrister to step in but couldn’t get one were jailed. We were able to galvanise our group to settle in and effect the release of two inmates.


We also make it mandatory as a yearly project to visit the less privileged, motherless baby homes within our neighborhood, find out what they need, and provide it for them. Also accomplished within my tenure was the provision of stationery and bags for students with special needs.


We also have the refurbishment of hospital and police vehicles in the works; it is not a small project, and I have laid it out and pushed it to the incoming excos, who will be given the support they need to make it a reality.


Becoming a Member of The Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria

Becoming a member of the Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria, Once you show interest, you must have good standing with the law. You must also have a desire to help.


The screening committee will do a background check on intending members after the probation period critical has been met, and then conduct an induction screening process before they are inducted.


For membership, call Mr. Benjamin (President, Prestige Elite Club of Nigeria) via 07031125926 or Mr. Tony (Vice President) via 08038621406.

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